Do you worry about dangers online for your child?

It’s good to worry because online dangers are real, prevalent and on every electronic device.

But we can help our children stay safe online!

For starters…

We recommend taking time to get to know what your child enjoys watching online. Does your child spend time on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or some other app, you’ve never heard of?

One way to start building an open communication between you and your child around device usage is by spending time doing what they love. If their favorite thing to do online is watch YouTube videos of other kids gaming, then do that with them. It might sound boring to you, but to them, it’s entertainment.

Simply by taking an interest in things they like to do online, will lay the foundation for some open and honest conversations down the road.

In my household, we have #SideBySideTime and I look forward to seeing what level my son has achieved on his game. He gets excited that I’m taking an interest in something he likes.

Some Do’s and Don’ts about #SideBySideTime.

The Don’ts of #SideBySideTime

  • Don’t complain about their choice of content (aside from content that is definitely inappropriate).

  • Don’t snatch the device out of their hand if something inappropriate or offensive comes up.

  • Don’t be on your own device. Stay focused on what your child is doing or watching on their device.

The Do’s of #SideBySideTime

  • Do sit with your child and literally watch with them.

  • If something inappropriate comes up, talk about it calmly without blaming your child. Talk about why that content is not ok in your house or for their age.

  • Be calm. Relax. Enjoy spending time with your child. These fifteen minutes will help you down the road when you need to have tough conversations about online dangers.

Remember this….

If you want your child to feel comfortable to come to you when they are cyberbullied or talking with a stranger online, it’s necessary to create a safe space for them to share. #SideBySideTime is one important way to lay the foundation for digital trust in your family.